So, call me paranoid but I have a horrible feeling my children are planning my premature exit from the world. And not by the expected routes i.e. sleep deprivation, putrid viruses, exploding arses, heart-stopping exploits or general mortification. Lord knows they have many reasons to wish for my untimely demise. The weird experimental meals. The enduring lateness. The short fuse. The loud music and singing on the school run. The sheer daily embarrassment of being a sweet child of mine. But the truth is, I never thought they’d actually do me in.

So why am I busy looking over my shoulder, and treading on eggshells with my suddenly estranged offspring? Well, the simple answer is that I cleaned under their beds. And what I found was altogether more terrifying than the array of accumulated repulsive debris I expected. Yep, I was ready for dirty socks, well-thumbed paperbacks and miscellaneous Lego body parts. I was even prepared for the odd fake eyeball or mouldering item of food. What I didn’t expect was the arsenal of Nerf guns, bows and arrows, wooden swords, rocks (not stones, rocks!) and sharpened sticks that feathered my beloved children’s nests.

Oh yes, my end is most definitely nigh. And it looks like it’s going to be bloody and violent. So I’m not taking any chances. I’m sleeping with one eye open. I’m wearing extra layers of protective clothing. And I am practising hovering one step behind burly husband (he’s so gonna get it first, by which point I’ll either be half way to the Cuba, or still be busy making a packed lunch for the trip).

And, as I said, it’s not like I blame the nippers. It’s a fair cop. They’re voting with their feet (and a range of frightening self-tooled weapons) for a yummier mummy. What bothers me is whether the punishment will fit their crime, and the ultimate price my babies will pay for their murderous class action. Whilst they are all feisty and arsey enough to survive a life behind bars (I blame the father), I’d just rather they finished their education without handcuffs, communal showers or yard time playing a part.

So I think I’ll be burning the weapons. And holding a gun amnesty. And trying really, really hard to be nicer than nice (probably involving even more tasty bribes than usual). Haribo? You got it. Staying up late? No problem. Gin and tonic? I think I can stretch to that. And in no home worldwide will there be more iPad/TV/YouTube time than here. As long as they don’t get access to ‘Breaking Bad’. Ah, and I will most definitely be mounting a vigilant, nightly clean sweep under the beds… It’s about time cleanliness took a front seat in this house anyway (the car, however, is another matter – work in progress until someone actually pukes on entry). Cleanliness is next to godliness, which surely rules out violence? Every cloud has a silver lining…

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